

Very rarely, I may write a nonfiction book. I was absolutely motivated to write Conversations with Claude, from the conversations I've had over the last six months, having discovered AI and ChatGPT. I had SO much fun, that I wanted to share it, for people who were like I was six months ago and just starting to wonder, "what's this ChatGPT?"


All my books are available as ebook, paperback, and hardcover on Amazon, and can be read for free with Kindle Unlimited.



Single Titles

Stand-Alone Romances


All About Romance!


I'm a storyteller above all. I love happy endings, and that's what I write, stories full of rich color and emotion. Currently I'm working on two very different series: A paranormal series with Djinn and shapeshifters, set in upstate New York; and a multicultural romance series with Arab-American heroes and American heroines, set in coastal Southern California.


Grab a book and cuddle up for a fun read with a satisfying ending that'll leave you with warm fuzzies!


All my books are available as eBook, paperback, and hardcover!

Paperbacks and hardcovers are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Artificial Intelligence

Ever wish you had a brilliant friend available 24/7 to chat about anything? CONVERSATIONS WITH CLAUDE reveals how AI can be your perfect thinking partner. Discover the magic of endless fascinating discussions... not to mention research, answers to random questions, just all kinds of things, right at your fingertips!


These are real conversations I've had with Claude, rather than writing in hypotheticals, in order to demonstrate the possibilities. Call up Claude or ChatGPT, and start having your own conversations!